Vingruppen i Norden startades 1992 och består av fem vinimportörer som tillsammans erbjuder ett brett sortiment av viner. Man har ett nära samarbete med några av världens mest framgångsrika vinproducenter i Europa, Afrika, USA, Australien, Asien samt Sydamerika. Som medlem i Dryckesbranschens Klimatinitiativ arbetar Vingruppen i Norden med att minska sin klimatpåverkan och uppnå en hållbar utveckling och för en nära dialog med såväl producenter som kunder.
Vi fick i uppdrag att skriva och redigera engelsk text till Vingruppens hållbarhetsredovisning 2018. Den har formgetts av vår kollega Michael Wall.
Kort utdrag ur texten i hållbarhetsredovisningen 2018:
Our vision is to be a role model for sustainable and equal growth. So, what does this mean, and how can it be achieved? Our company consists of fifty individuals with different backgrounds and perspectives that contribute to the ongoing discussions about how we create value and achieve sustainable and equal growth. We figure that it all comes down to balancing short-term business activities with long-term sustainability goals – in order to find the most beneficial solutions for the business, our producers, business partners, society in general – and the planet.
Is our growth sustainable?
The diplomatic answer is: Yes, in some ways, no in others. Yes, because we are growing from a financial perspective, and our business choices have added social values across our supply chain. No from an environmental point of view. There is a lot of work that needs to be done. This mindset allows us to improve, and step-by-step, introduce better solutions – or develop new ones. Supporting our vision, we always have something to explain, justify and most importantly – improve and develop.