Jacobi Resinex är ett dotterbolag till Jacobi , som tillverkar ion exchange resins för bland annat rening av vatten. Dessa så kallade Jonbytarhartser sänker halten av tungmetaller som bly, koppar och aluminium samt minskar vattnets hårdhet. Vi har, i samarbete med Art Director Niklas Alveskog samt kundens webbyrå, Market New Media, i Storbritannien, hjälpt till med textproduktion till företagets nya webbplats.
Kort utdrag ur text från webbplatsen:
In alignment with our parent company, Jacobi Carbons, Resinex is very much aware of the responsibilities that a large corporation has in the welfare and rights of its employees and stakeholders alike. In addition, the location of many of the company’s manufacturing facilities in the developing world places further responsibility on us to ensure that the social impact of our operations are positive and not to the detriment of the regions in which we operate. Jacobi fully subscribes to the fundamental premise of organisations such as SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) that require investors to safeguard all employees and their families; will not exploit young or vulnerable persons, and who actively contribute to the local community. Jacobi Carbons does not employ child labour, nor does it contravene regulations relating to minimum pay or working conditions.