Våra branschkollegor Åsa Kax Ideberg och Anna Karin-Murén fick idén att skriva en bok om en svensk uppfinning som vi alla använder men kanske aldrig tänker på – disktrasan! Gissa om vi blev glada när de hörde av sig och bad oss att hjälpa dem med den engelska översättningen. Fantastiskt roligt att få berätta om resan från en mans genialiska huvud via innovativa fabriker, skickliga formgivare och ett kunnigt tryckeri hem till diskhon i många hem över stora delar av världen.
Kort utdrag ur den engelska versionen av boken:
Why have we written a book on sponge cloths?
The idea for this book was hatched during a lunch in a kitchen on the island of Kungsholmen in Stockholm when the conversation suddenly turned to the subject of sponge cloth. We were amazed at the development of this everyday product and discovered that we had many different experiences and knowledge concerning sponge cloths. We could not stop talking about it, and so it was decided – we will write a book!
This is a book about one of Sweden’s most widely known and utilized inventions. A product that most Swedish people have probably held in their hands at least once and most have likely used many times themselves. We daresay that this invention has spread from ”shack to the castle”. Even to the Royal Palace in Stockholm. But how many people have actually given much thought to this small everyday cloth?
Ask your friends to name a few Swedish inventions and they will probably answer – the adjustable wrench, the zipper, the separator, and dynamite, but never the sponge cloth. We think it is time to change that.
Här träffar du Åsa Kax Ideberg som berättar mer om boken.