Envac arbetar med automatiserad avfallshantering och är uppfinnare bakom sopsugen, systemet där avfallshanteringen sköts via vakuumteknik. Sopsugen uppfanns 1961 och finns idag installerad i fastigheter över hela världen samt som självtömmande papperskorgar. För sjukhus har man vidareutvecklat idén så att sugsytemet även kan användas för andra fraktioner som smutstvätt och köksavfall samt restavfall och infektiöst avfall.
Vi fick i uppdrag att ta fram en broschyr som beskriver de olika lösningarna för sjukhus.
Kort utdrag ur texten:
The daily manual handling of general waste, recyclables, and soiled linen is a never-ending challenge for hospitals and health clinics around the world. It also takes up valuable and much-needed space in corridors, elevators, and storage rooms. Envac’s sealed automated vacuum system collects, manages and transports waste and soiled linen creating a sustainable, safe and hygienic environment for both staff and patients. The system also reduces a hospital’s operational costs, enabling the savings to be reinvested in the patients, and space traditionally allocated to waste management can be reassigned to care.
Envac has designed systems for handling general waste, soiled linen, kitchen waste, and infectious waste – all in sealed pipes solutions.
General waste: Up to 90 percent of waste produced in hospitals is considered to be general waste. From kitchen and packaging waste through to recyclables, Envac’s technology enables each fraction to be separated and transported through only one pipe.
Soiled linen: Most systems have separate pipes for soiled linen and general waste. However, unless stipulated by law, waste and soiled linen can be transported through the same pipe.
Kitchen waste: Most food waste is considered an environmental resource and can be collected directly from where it is produced in the kitchen. A separate system for wet food waste is ideal for biogas production.
Infectious waste: About 10 percent of all waste is regarded as infectious or hazardous and may pose environmental and health risks. It is handled separately by an infectious waste collection system that has a high level of security measures such as disinfection and alarm functions.